What’s On
Members’ Art Exhibition
Open 18th Jan – 26th April 2025
A vibrant exhibition of works by Members of the Torfaen Museum Trust including landscapes, still-life and abstract art. Now on show in the Art Gallery.
Free entry
Pontypool Local History Society Talks
Established in 1970, the Pontypool Local History Society (PLHS) seeks to engage with people of all ages to encourage an interest in the history of Pontypool and the surrounding district.
Working collaboratively with Torfaen Museum, the Society is currently running a series of lectures at the Museum, located in the Oriel Barker Art Gallery. All lectures begin at 1.45pm and last for approximately 1 hour with refreshments afterwards. Tickets are £3 for non-members.
For more information contact: pontypool-lhs@outlook.com
Brush Art Group
Specialising in Chinese brush art, Karen and Sue are always happy to greet new artists to the group, whether working in watercolour, oil or another medium. If you have an interest in painting, why not come along to paint, share ideas or just chat?
Session runs between 10.30am and 12.30pm. For further information, please contact the Museum.
Tel: 01495 752036
Amgueddfa Torfaen Museum,
Park Buildings,
10am - 12 noon
10am - 4pm
1pm - 4pm